Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Political Rant #2: The Lies we tell...

Welcome to another of my rants on society as we have it today. It has reached the end of another presidency and we have a newer if not less wonderful individual in the place of our previous good guy. I didn’t love the past president and I even opposed him on several points such as the TPP and on the way he implemented the Affordable care act but I didn’t go nearly as far as the stuff I am going into today. Some people out there have an agenda (such as hate the current president and his party) and to do so they work hard to fool people with any tool they can muster. This is easier than you think and has worked to turn a multitude of people. These are the conspiracy theorists, some of them are fun such as the fake moon landing or things referencing aliens but these below were abysmal. People like Alex Jones and the Newsmax organization make it a point to spread as many of these lies as possible to forward their agendas. Does Alex Jones know he isn’t telling the truth? Of course he does, but his followers don’t know this and for that reason I am going over blatant lies that have been debunked from various conspiracists over the past administration. Please keep in note I am only going to cover a few to make my point but know that there will be many more in the future so I am hoping you look at this and realize these things are not to be trusted or at least taken with a healthy bit of skepticism.

Yup remember that time he took all the guns? No? You've just seen another blatant lie.

1. President Obama is taking our Guns:

This is something I have seen pushed again and again. The president is coming for your guns! They will talk about gun registries or potential bills worked out with other countries to have foreign armies come to the country and disarm the populous. If Americans love anything it is their guns and when they hear the words “gun control” they move immediately to confiscation. Conspiracy theorists tend to have stoked these fears and have done terrible damage in doing simple things like closing the gun show loophole or expanding background checks. Many have managed to get laws passed saying that their state will fight anyone who attempts to take their guns away. Please note we had 8 years of President Obama and 2 years of a democratically controlled congress. Don’t you think if his main intent was to take guns he would have done it by now? Well the president isn’t here anymore and you still have your guns silly peoples.


2. President Obama is going to make this a Muslim only Country;

This goes right along with the Attack on Christianity argument. Many of these theorists portray President Obama as a Gay Muslim Extremist Communist (this alone should tell you what they are full of) who plans on eliminating the bible as the basis of all things American (also a bit of a stretch) and replace it with the Koran which encourages people to abuse women and kill children as written out plainly in their book (blatant lie but they aren’t reading the Koran). Really this argument is for those “special” people that will believe most anything as even Alex Jones won’t touch this one. Many believed that President Obama would strike down Christianity and make this the new den for ISIS. Many will even tell you he personally planned 9/11 following up with “well what did he do when the planes his then?” (another stupid question from stupid people). Now in case you are saying “we’re right he is making this nation a Muslim nation” then go home as he is no longer president.


3. FEMA Camps and Martial Law:

These two go together these days and were made awfully popular after Bush the Second and Katrina. Every time I would read something it was about how they have to be careful because they would be disappeared off to a FEMA camp where they keep the real truth tellers. Things like operation Jade Helm got the attention of the Governor of Texas who was sure this was the beginning of President Obama taking full control of the country and his time to install his 1984 agenda. This is silly and I mean just silly. If these people really knew soooo much and the government was soooo ready to lock up anyone that opposed their view point then why are they still talking? Also we don’t need these supposed FEMA camps if we want to disappear anyone we have two tools already at our disposal thanks to the “War on Terror” they are called the “Patriot Act” and Guantanamo Bay, both of which are usually highly supported by these same individuals. So as we haven’t been placed under National Martial law I guess this one is also untrue.


4. The Race War:

This was another one for those “special” Obama haters. The theorists always seem to have some sort of Pentagon contact (he lives in their closet and comes out at nights when the moon is full) this contact gives information that the President is about to unleash the power of those pesky “Blacks” on the country. He plans on killing all the whites and then taking the rest as slaves in reparation. According to the Census of 2010 African Americans make up about 12% of the Population and whites make up about 63%. Now I am not a math guy but what kind of drugs or liquor most one be taking to believe this swill. I mean these would have to be Captain America style people to take down a population that outnumbers them many times over. On top of that many of the stories in the news talk about the opposite happening with many African Americans being in jail on false charges. I will bet you that someone here was thinking about this theory when they did that crap.


5. He will Never Leave:

Why is it that every president seems to get saddled with this. I remember this talk when Bush was in office. “He started the Iraq war on purpose so he can argue that he has to stay in charge till it’s over”. Then of course the sides switched and suddenly everything is fine and those fine with the other guy are suddenly convinced that that “Evil Black Man” will never leave office and that he will employ all of the above to hold on to power. The presidency is a nasty thing. Everyone projects their success and loss on you, you are hounded by the media and researched relentlessly by your opposition so you are under tremendous pressure. This is not President for Life status where you have supreme power. Take a look at photos of presidents at the beginning and end of their terms to confirm that this is not exactly a dream job. Of course even now they are talking about Donald Trump doing the same “He’ll get a taste for the power and then never leave”. This is crap, if he loses in 2020 he will be out of office and if he makes it to 2024 he will leave then I can pretty much guarantee it.


I bring this up because many people believe these lies and yet all of them are false. Will you see Alex Jones doing a special called “how I was wrong about the Obama Administration” of course you won’t and his followers will quickly forget these lies and move on to the current crop. We will hear a great number of this sort of thing about the current administration and you will see some of it here but unlike others I will label it as what it is, Opinion, Speculation or shoot I even have a comedy section called misinformation to make fun of these types of things.  In the end though I want you to look at this article today and then again when we change presidents for the next time. Be careful what you read and understand the difference between the truth and speculation.

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