Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Missinformation #1: Happy Holidays

Is Trump seeking a war on Holidays?

I mean we all know that Trump and many of his supporters are very much against Saying Happy Holidays when you are around the Holiday season instead saying Merry Christmas instead. This is at first thought to be a simple jab at the “politically correct” nature that the Democratic party has been chasing. This is in their mind a winning blow when it comes to the “War on Christmas” allowing us once again to have Christmas Plays and parties at school and to wish all a Merry Christmas without fear of “those” people violating your religious freedom during the “Christmas Season”.

I feel that this is a more sinister plot. I mean think about the number of Holidays that fall within the season. I mean at the foremost we have Hanukah which is a rather large celebration of the Jewish Faith. Of course we know that this Administration hates the Jewish People with a passion (except for Israel for some reason but I think that is so they have a place to send all the Jewish People living here). We already see the evil nature of this ploy at work in the obvious fashion.

Of course what about the other less obvious holidays that they are purposefully leaving out? We know that there is a hatred of the African American Community by skipping Kwanzaa. When a Trump supporter wishes you a Merry Christmas they are obviously saying “I want to reinstitute slavery in the united states”. Of course what of our Mexican Brethren who celebrate the Fiesta or Our Lady of Guadalupe or the Pagans who celebrate Yule and Saturnalia? This is the insidious nature of the Trump Campaign how he seeks to quietly eliminate all those of different cultures and different religions destroying their livelihoods and then moving them to “safety camps” formerly FEMA camps to you Obama Truthers.

This war isn’t just a war against all Non-Christians and all Non-Whites it is also a war against our own traditions and past times. The holiday season starts in November but we have to say “Merry Christmas” now. What about Thanksgiving? Is Trump attacking one of the very founding ideations that is the bedrock of our country. Trump has rarely shown he is thankful for any of the advantages he was born with and wants the American people to follow suit. Besides this is a holiday about putting down grudges and working with people of different ideations. I mean why should you be friends with someone that is different from you? This totally goes against the Trump ticket.

Finally we are starting off the war against New Years. I man that falls right in line behind Christmas after all (yet is cannot be mentioned lest you are attacking said Christians). I feel this is a clever ploy. You start sowing the seeds currently and then around the time of the next election time is at a standstill leaving Trump as our president throughout time as he now keeps time from moving.

So what do we have in the end:
A war against Culture
A war against Race
A war against Religion
A war against Peace
A war against Time itself

We must fight these wars as much as possible in order to assure that we won’t be living in a White’s only “Christian” nation where Donald Trump is our president for all time due to 2017 never ending. With that, I leave you with a simple phrase and well wish.

*Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be serious. It is political Satire meant for a left leaning audience. Please do not see the implied believes of this article as reflecting the user’s in any way shape or form. “Happy Holidays”  ;)

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Being Good Winners

Hello to all and a good season’s greetings. I hope you are all doing well out there. I plan on really having this blog take off in the near future (around 1/20/17) full of advocacy, opinion and general fun. This time it is mostly going silent but I thought that for once I would address a topic that I am fully knowledgeable on, Mental Health. With the election coming there are a multitude of feelings from despair to elation. I wanted to put this out sooner but was myself a victim of this despair and hopelessness. I am here to help with the despair portion but will address the republicans in my audience first thing.

I know a lot of you who voted for Trump or are staunch “Conservatives” are quite happy and hopeful at this time and cannot wait to shout this to the heavens as much as possible. You may think that the opposition are just a bunch of whiny babies or that they just need to suck it up, I mean you made it through President Obama, now they need to get through Trump. I want you to dust off your empathy skills for a moment and remember the time when president Obama took office. I want you to remember the utter despair and panic you felt when he was elected and then again in January when he took office. This is exactly what everyone is going through now. Just like then saying “I had to put up with 8 years of your crap now you have to put up with 8 years of mine” didn’t feel good. This sort of thing didn’t feel good for you then and it doesn’t feel good to us now. If you are a cold hearted vengeance seeker then go right ahead but if you are truly trying to heal rifts the election has cased in your family please try and understand that this just isn’t going to work. Give them space and time to grieve their loss especially during the holiday season being smug and over joyous around family is just not something that goes over well.

The other thing that is causing rifts I have seen in that expectation for everyone to just get on the Trump wagon and support his efforts to “Make America Great Again”. Perhaps you are thinking that you are being benevolent and kind extending the olive branch and saying “let’s let bygones be bygones”. Of course when you are in turned slapped in the face, cursed out or just outright ignored it just plain hurts. You can’t see why anyone would hate this wonderful change that is going to come to America and don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to be a part of it. Normally you may just write people off as just stupid or evil but these people are different. You work with them, eat dinner with them you are close normally in all other ways. You can’t just put on blinders and say that they are the enemy that needs to be put in their place. Again Empathy is required. Over the last 8 years many of your viewed President Obama as a devil, called him the antichrist a foreigner and many other things. You fought tooth and nail against him knowing in your heart of heart that he was destroying America. Now let’s look at your Democratic friends and relatives and see that they pretty much have the same opinion. They know in their heart of hearts that his goals are related to the destruction of all that they hold dear and plan to fight tooth and nail against it. Simply expecting them to jump on board the “Trump Train” is in simple condescending and will easily provoke anger. The best thing to do is to let the person vent their anger, validate that their feelings are real and be willing to silently listen if need be. Note that this election was to divisive for there to be any short term healing. If things turn out the way you hope for America then they will come around.

Empathy is a hard skill to learn but is very much a part of life we must learn in order to keep up with relatives and friends that have different political opinions. Remember what brings you together, for friends its hobbies and like interests for relatives it is possibly just respect and family. These are things to dwell on during this season of togetherness and cheer.

Coping with the Election

Well the election is over and we are all grieving and upset. I mean the guy that we were all upset with won and stomped on our hearts. It is natural to want to give in to despair to feel like there is no getting on with life from here forward. In my profession I have even come to find people that have attempted suicide over this issue. In this blog I want to go over ways to better cope with this election stress.
The Anger: The first response I have had is anger. Many are quick to blame each other for what had happened. The Bernie supporters are angry with the Hillary Supporters the Hillary Supporters are mad with the Trump supporters and they are both mad with the people who shrug their shoulders and say they are both identical in the end. Anger is a natural piece of the process but arguing amongst ourselves is not the solution. This only builds anger and resentment that shouldn’t be there. There are many things that we all agree on and one of them is that we don’t like Trump. A solution to the situation can be found but now is simply not the time. Right now we need to mend those torn fences that were red hot during the election year and remember those things that bind us together. 

The Need to Do Something: There is an innate need to accomplish something to advocate and address the guilt feelings that you may have at not doing enough. You look for causes to get involved in and protests to march in.

The Depression: The biggest issue in this is the loss of all hope. I myself can relate to this, I see the voter suppression to come and be up-held by a Trump Supreme court that we will be stuck with a one party system and that we will never have freedom again. This may sound silly but there are countless other things that people look at like the environment, Black Lives Matter or other items of interest that they are crying over and rightfully so. This is the depression that can take you over and darken your heart to all things around you.

What can Help:  Outlined are a few things that you can do to help yourself and the others around you.

Shut Off: The first thing that you need to do is shut off. 60% of Americans couldn’t care a lick about the United States, learn from them. Watch reality TV, get involved in the season. With the Holidays coming up there are plenty of fun announcements and activities to be involved in. Eat, Drink and be merry. You know Trump will not be in charge until January 20th so as of now don’t feel worried. Though I know it is hard, shut off the news. Don’t bother reading the papers or listening to the pundits. If politics comes up at the table don’t be drawn in tell them we are not discussing it until January. Doing this allows you time to recharge.  The Media has stories out there trying to get everyone to panic and all if these are based only on rumor and conjecture. Let’s leave the guessing games to people that like to play games and live our lives for ourselves for once.

Limit Social Media: I know this is a given as with above but you have so many people that are friends and family that do not share your feelings of despair. Many of them are posting nasty mems and looking at you like you are simply a little baby who can’t take a loss. For the time being shut them off from your timeline. Facebook has a wonderful little thing that allows you to stay friends and keep the person’s postings hidden from your timeline at the same time. In my opinion you need to keep them at arm’s length and this is the best way to do it.

Get Involved: For many they have to do something to get over guilt feelings. I say get involved in Charity work. There are plenty of volunteer positions this time of year that could use an able bodied person. Maybe you have a neighbor who’s kids aren’t going to get to have Santa come over this year. Maybe there are family members or friends that could use a shoulder to cry on. Getting involved in activities that are not politically oriented can help you get away from the hustle and bustle of political strain and yet it will also allow you to help out your fellow man.

Get Together: Get together with like-minded people in order to vent and de-stress. You can cry on each other’s shoulder and get out some of those negative feelings. At times like these being in an echo chamber is a good thing. You don’t need the gloating pundits or republican friends and family separating their happy season.

Relax: Take up meditation and learn to clear your head of negative thoughts. Learn about proper breathing skills and participate in guided meditation. These techniques allow you to clear your head and reduce the racing thoughts that may be running through your mind. Light a Candle, look at a roaring fire and listen to the ocean. Start Exercising again, this relieves much more stress than one would think.  These are a few ways to get over things or at least to help you resolve the feelings of panic you may be feeling.
In the end this is a horrible event to us all but we can cope and move on with our lives to be better people. All willing we will come back for the next go round after 1/20. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Sign of things to come (Political Activism)

I have finally returned to social media J I have done a lot of soul searching after the election following racist threats from people and tasteless gloating as well as useless protesting and outrage. This stuff got to me pretty badly, so much so I had to leave it all for a month. No facebook, no blogging no, no nothing. During that time I thought about how I can help and how I can better focus that anger and frustration without taking it out on family and friends, hence starting tentatively now and more seriously in January I am reviving the political section of this blog. Believe it or not this blog was originally a political one and it had gotten the most attention doing so below I will outline the three things I will do in relation to this blog to help use my anger for the better.

The Blog will have three sections: Advocacy, The Rant and Misinformation. Advocacy is the most level headed and most useful in this blog spot. I will be outlining the importance of certain issues, how candidates stand and what elections are coming to help people get on board. The purpose here is to help people get involved in the process by informing them and helping them move along. The Rant is going to be just that, me ranting about an issue. This will be mostly opinion based and will be the thing that most anger is channeled through and will be interesting to read for those of you who like political rantings. The last is a slightly satiric take on the conspiracy theories. I felt that I could try and put my take on things from the opposite of the usually right leaning theories. This will be mostly made up and I do not likely agree with anything I write in this section so please don’t take this seriously.

In the end I am doing this to help and to keep most political posting off of my timeline. So Please if you are a “Conservative” and seeing this you can now ignore all posts from this part of the blog and if you do please note what this is and what it is about before going into long drawn out opinion based rants back. I feel in the end this can utilize my blog again to do some good and channel anger effectively.