Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Sign of things to come (Political Activism)

I have finally returned to social media J I have done a lot of soul searching after the election following racist threats from people and tasteless gloating as well as useless protesting and outrage. This stuff got to me pretty badly, so much so I had to leave it all for a month. No facebook, no blogging no, no nothing. During that time I thought about how I can help and how I can better focus that anger and frustration without taking it out on family and friends, hence starting tentatively now and more seriously in January I am reviving the political section of this blog. Believe it or not this blog was originally a political one and it had gotten the most attention doing so below I will outline the three things I will do in relation to this blog to help use my anger for the better.

The Blog will have three sections: Advocacy, The Rant and Misinformation. Advocacy is the most level headed and most useful in this blog spot. I will be outlining the importance of certain issues, how candidates stand and what elections are coming to help people get on board. The purpose here is to help people get involved in the process by informing them and helping them move along. The Rant is going to be just that, me ranting about an issue. This will be mostly opinion based and will be the thing that most anger is channeled through and will be interesting to read for those of you who like political rantings. The last is a slightly satiric take on the conspiracy theories. I felt that I could try and put my take on things from the opposite of the usually right leaning theories. This will be mostly made up and I do not likely agree with anything I write in this section so please don’t take this seriously.

In the end I am doing this to help and to keep most political posting off of my timeline. So Please if you are a “Conservative” and seeing this you can now ignore all posts from this part of the blog and if you do please note what this is and what it is about before going into long drawn out opinion based rants back. I feel in the end this can utilize my blog again to do some good and channel anger effectively. 

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