Disclaimer: This is opinion and only opinion, though I have facts to back this up this is a Blog with left leanings. If you are a “Conservative” then I would suggest that you be warned before venturing further as you will not likely agree with a single shred of this information. If you insist on reading further then you have been warned.
Well this is the first of many Political Blogs I will again start regaling this site with in preparation for the next election cycle of 2017. I wanted to start off with a rather in depth bit of reasoning on the conservative experience. Conservatism has a lot of lofty promises and to be fair a lot of them appeal such as having personal responsibility and the ideas of hard work. In the end the promise Conservatives make to the “common” people is that they are millionaires due to hard work and opportunity and that they will make sure that you will not only have that opportunity to be wealthy but that those blocks in your way (regulation) will be removed to make it easier to use hard work to make it to wealth.
It is my belief that the Conservative leaders have a different goal in mind. In this blog I will put out an argument for how the Conservative movement is not about allowing the common people to gain wealth but to establish a Caste system where you are either born into wealth and stay wealthy or you are not and have to serve the ruling class. I know this may seem far-fetched but I ask you to try and stay with me on this until the end as I make my argument utilizing all the conservative plans put forth since President Reagan to accomplish this goal.
1. Creating a Belief System: In the end there is an underlying thought that you are doing financially only as well as you really desire to be. This belief that if you are not wealthy then it is your fault for being so is the key to allowing for society to hold to that illusion as a religion and therefore be able to take the abuses seen below without rebelling. If you have any issue with your lot in life then you merely need to blame yourself, weather you actually have any chance of success has nothing to do with this.
2. Eliminate the Right to Assemble: The next goal is the elimination of all unions. The Conservative argument against a union is that they do not celebrate individuality and in turn drag along people unwilling to do the work while dragging down those that work hard and are deserving of true reward. Let’s get to the real purpose behind getting rid of the union which is to push wages and benefits down to a level that maximizes the profits of the factory owners and reduces the working class to the level of forced slave labor. Let’s look at pre-union America and the Coal mining and railroad communities where the workers were pretty much captives to their employers kept in virtual slavery. Without Unions the employer has total control over your wages and benefits and if you don’t like it you can simply fire the employee and replace the employee with another in the long list of people eager to work.
3. Ending the Minimum Wage: One of the things that is pushed and pushed by the Conservative media is that our workers are too lazy and expect too much. They say that the current minimum wage is costing employers soo much that they have to resort to employing technology in order to reduce the work force. Even reality Star Mike Rowe had said that most people should be happy with $2.75 an hour like he had gotten paid as a child. Without a minimum wage then the employer again gains full advantage over their employee and though this alone will not work it can with the rest of these items together.
4. Ending Regulation: The next is in regulation which republicans are very much against. They say regulations such as providing employee benefits. Giving necessary safety standards and weekly hours worked in the work place are terrible strains that send our jobs overseas. Other standards such as not allowing for businesses to set prices and uniform wages make it impossible to navigate the free marketplace. With these abilities removed it doesn’t matter if the employee wages and conditions are abysmal, sure you can leave but you will have a red mark placed on you so that you can never gain employment again or if you do find employment then the conditions and pay are the same no matter where you go.
5. The elimination of public education: Right now the argument is that the current public schools are terrible and that with a paid voucher you can place your child in a good private school or Charter school for a better education or you can have the freedom to teach your child at home so that liberal values will not corrupt them. Many of these programs are meant to further and further bankrupt the public schools so that eventually only Private schools remain. It is easy to conceive of getting rid of private schools when you look at the current options and see how much better they are. After this point it merely moves to ending rules of required education and saying that some children simply are not pulling financial weight and should not be subsidized by government when they need to pay their own way. Newt himself had been encouraging poor children to go to work in order to pay for some of their education benefits such as school lunches. The price of schooling will eventually fall to the point where only the wealthy will be able to send their children to school and with strangling regulations barring child labor lifted children will be better able to help feed their families through factory work. When you are making a max of $1-2 per hour and need to eat will you really be able to afford a $40,000 per year tuition for basic education. This will make it so that the job prospects become much more limited, information is able to be controlled and only the wealthy (the deserving) are able to hold jobs with any relevant skill or ability.
6. Elimination of Public Services: Finally the last bit is the elimination of public services such as Libraries, Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Public Parks and any other thing owned by the government. People have nowhere to go, no ability to eat or take care of themselves other than trying to work for these by doing the slave labor that is left to be offered. I mean why would you need these services unless you are a lazy person right?
Of course if we have all of this what about the 2nd Amendment? I mean the republican party has fought for your right to stand up to such oppression right? Well let’s think about the costs of a gun, I don’t just mean buying a gun I mean maintaining one or keeping it armed. Even if you already have it you’ll have to start selling it and your ammo off just to maintain your way of life under the newer conditions eventually anyone will be able to buy a gun but only the wealthy will be able to own one.
So in the end you have a populous of endless slave labor workers holding still to the religious belief that if they work hard enough then Jesus will grant them the right to be millionaires themselves, at least in the afterlife.
This is my case for why the Conservatism will eventually lead us to a Caste system. Where birth determines your station in life and the American dream has been thrown in the trash can. I do not ever trust such methods but we will see it come to fruition one day I am sure.
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