Is Trump seeking a war on Holidays?
I mean we all know that Trump and many of his supporters are very much against Saying Happy Holidays when you are around the Holiday season instead saying Merry Christmas instead. This is at first thought to be a simple jab at the “politically correct” nature that the Democratic party has been chasing. This is in their mind a winning blow when it comes to the “War on Christmas” allowing us once again to have Christmas Plays and parties at school and to wish all a Merry Christmas without fear of “those” people violating your religious freedom during the “Christmas Season”.
I feel that this is a more sinister plot. I mean think about the number of Holidays that fall within the season. I mean at the foremost we have Hanukah which is a rather large celebration of the Jewish Faith. Of course we know that this Administration hates the Jewish People with a passion (except for Israel for some reason but I think that is so they have a place to send all the Jewish People living here). We already see the evil nature of this ploy at work in the obvious fashion.
Of course what about the other less obvious holidays that they are purposefully leaving out? We know that there is a hatred of the African American Community by skipping Kwanzaa. When a Trump supporter wishes you a Merry Christmas they are obviously saying “I want to reinstitute slavery in the united states”. Of course what of our Mexican Brethren who celebrate the Fiesta or Our Lady of Guadalupe or the Pagans who celebrate Yule and Saturnalia? This is the insidious nature of the Trump Campaign how he seeks to quietly eliminate all those of different cultures and different religions destroying their livelihoods and then moving them to “safety camps” formerly FEMA camps to you Obama Truthers.
This war isn’t just a war against all Non-Christians and all Non-Whites it is also a war against our own traditions and past times. The holiday season starts in November but we have to say “Merry Christmas” now. What about Thanksgiving? Is Trump attacking one of the very founding ideations that is the bedrock of our country. Trump has rarely shown he is thankful for any of the advantages he was born with and wants the American people to follow suit. Besides this is a holiday about putting down grudges and working with people of different ideations. I mean why should you be friends with someone that is different from you? This totally goes against the Trump ticket.
Finally we are starting off the war against New Years. I man that falls right in line behind Christmas after all (yet is cannot be mentioned lest you are attacking said Christians). I feel this is a clever ploy. You start sowing the seeds currently and then around the time of the next election time is at a standstill leaving Trump as our president throughout time as he now keeps time from moving.
A war against Culture
A war against Race
A war against Religion
A war against Peace
A war against Time itself
We must fight these wars as much as possible in order to assure that we won’t be living in a White’s only “Christian” nation where Donald Trump is our president for all time due to 2017 never ending. With that, I leave you with a simple phrase and well wish.
*Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be serious. It is political Satire meant for a left leaning audience. Please do not see the implied believes of this article as reflecting the user’s in any way shape or form. “Happy Holidays” ;)
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